Thursday 21 June 2012

Reflection of what I done

            I learned about pie chart, how to present your information, how to create a questionniare, how to structure data and sampling data, how to create graphs, how to fix errors. I alos learn how to write the KIS canteen questionnaire and write questions to ask people whether they like canteen lunch, home lunch, tuck shop lunch or ordered lunch!

Sunday 17 June 2012

4.0 DATA HANDLING - case study introduction

Q1) How could Mussie and Ellie find out whether older people do more for charity than younger people?

A1) Create a questionnaire asking their age, gender, and how often do they donate to charity?

Q2) Why does Mussie think that these date prove him right? Why might Ellie think that these date do not prove him right?

A2) Because they two have different thoughts; ideas; rights to have their own opinion.

Q3) What questions should they ask?

       1. Do your friends also donate money to charity?
       2. What makes you want / don't want to donate money to charity?
       3. Do you tell your friends to donate? How can you persuade them to donate?

Q4) How many questionnaires should they hand out? Who do you think should fill in their questionnaire?

A4) They hand out 30 copies of the questionnaire. They can give it to their teachers; classmates; parents; friends to fill it.

Q5) Which software could Mssie and Ellie use to put the answers into the computer? How can they check that the data are correct? How could they reduce the number of errors in the data? What problems might there be if the data were typed in incorrectly?

A5)They could put the answers in a spreadsheet. If data was typed in incorrectly, they will have the wrong conclusion.

Q6) What is the best way for Ellie and Mussie to present their results?

A6) The best way to present their results is to use a pie chart.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Modelling-Case Study (ICT)

         Q1.What might be the differences between a computer system set up for gaming compared to one set up for a business to use? Think about the different hardware that might be needed.
         A1. For gaming, you need a joystick to play the game. You need a speaker and volume. For business, you need a printer or scanner. You can save the documents for business, so that next time it will still be here.
         Q2. Earl has got 800 pounds to spend. How can Shaheen work out if he has got enough money? What if he hasn't got enough? What methods could Shaheen use to help her work out the prices of these different options?
         A2. Shaheen decides to set up a spreadsheet model to help her. Shaheen spends some time setting up the spreadsheet. She uses a formula to add up the toal prices of all the items.

         Q3. What does Shaheen need to do to this spreadsheet model so that it is ready to use?
         A3. She includes a cell where she can type in how much the customer has got to spend and adds another formula to work out whether the customer has got enough money. Finally she adds a title and some text labels and formats the spreadsheet to make it clear and easy to use.

         Q4. How can Shaheen use the spreadsheet model to help her with the new customer? What changes might she need to make to her spreadsheet model?
         A4. The item part can add a printer inside.
         Q5. How else could Shaheen present this information to make it easier to read?  
         A5.Use a graph.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Case Study (UNIT 2)

           Q Where could Remy get his information from for this article?
           A. He could get it from the library, internet, or from his friends etc.

          Q. How can Remy use the Internet to find what he wants?
          A. By typing the right keyword to find relative information.

          Q. Why has Remy got over two million results? Why are some of the websites he has found not relevant? How could Remy improve the results?
          A. Because he is checking the whole UK, so some of them are different from the others and he needs to type in the main point/keyword next time.

         Q. Can Remy trust this information? Why might it be unreliable?
         A. It is unreliable because if you play too much computer games, it is bad for your concentration or brain and if you play too long, you might even die.

         Q. What software should Remy use? What should he do before he starts using the software?
         A. He should use softwares like facebook or something to talk to someone but he should check if it is reliable or not.

         Q. How can Remy design and write the article so that it will appeal to Remy's readers?
         A. It needs to make sense and does not have off-topic stuff and maybe design a poster or warning sign about using computers will make people sick or die which is bad so that people will think that's a warning!

Monday 12 December 2011

Does Loch Ness Monster exist? (UNIT 2.2)

       Reports of a mysterious creature in Loch Ness, Scotland go back to around the 6th century, but the legend of the Loch Ness Monster, nicknamed "Nessie," got a boost in the early 1930s with several reported sightings and alleged photographic evidence.
      The only way to prove it didn't exist would be to drain the Loch, which
is unlikely to occur. Generally, it is difficult or impossible to prove that
something "doesn't exist."
        I think that it does not exist because monsters are just stories or fairy
tales that people tell and make up so that people think there is one, but I
think they haven't existed.
         I found the information in Wiki Answers by typing the keyword “Does
Loch Ness Monster exists or not ” and I found a point that it did and didn’t

Thursday 1 December 2011


  1. Play soccer and bowling with my friends and families and it is my favourite hobbies
  2. Read fiction books ex. Harry Potter, High School Musical, Magic Tree House etc
  3. Revise what I did for homework or classwork
  4. Watch movies that is scary
  1. To become a soccer star in the future
  2. To make more friends
  3. To be an expert at all languages  one day