Monday 12 December 2011

Does Loch Ness Monster exist? (UNIT 2.2)

       Reports of a mysterious creature in Loch Ness, Scotland go back to around the 6th century, but the legend of the Loch Ness Monster, nicknamed "Nessie," got a boost in the early 1930s with several reported sightings and alleged photographic evidence.
      The only way to prove it didn't exist would be to drain the Loch, which
is unlikely to occur. Generally, it is difficult or impossible to prove that
something "doesn't exist."
        I think that it does not exist because monsters are just stories or fairy
tales that people tell and make up so that people think there is one, but I
think they haven't existed.
         I found the information in Wiki Answers by typing the keyword “Does
Loch Ness Monster exists or not ” and I found a point that it did and didn’t

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